BRIGHT PORTUGAL has an extended experience in organizing corporate seminars and conferences.
We will build with you
a successful corporate event that you will all be proud of!

Team Buildings
We have the formula to exceed the limits and create real bonding between co-workers! Our job is to create the team building that your team will remember.

CSR Initiatives
Drive your team into action, BRIGHT PORTUGAL will design the right CSR initiatives and solutions to make an impact and send a positive message in the context where you’re placed on.

Private Parties
Are you looking for a place to celebrate an important date? Get in touch with BRIGHT PORTUGAL and together we will find the venue and create the event you are looking for. We can produce the event exclusively or be your DMC so you don't have to worry about anything (flights, hotels, transfers)

Portugal has been THE destination for many foreign weddings, but there is so much to choose from the beach to the mountains, from the city to the countryside there is a sea of possibilities waiting for your wedding!

Special Events
A full immersion seminar in a country house, a team building offsite, a special date, a weekend with friends, a family trip?
We have hundreds of rural hotels, charming cottages, boutique hotels in which we can organize your event.